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Oscilloquartz Expert to Discuss Strategies for Precision Synchronization in Existing and Next-Gen Networks

Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems Focuses on New and Evolving Sync Requirements

  • Speaker: Nir Laufer, director, product line management, Oscilloquartz
  • Topics: Synchronization Redundancy and Protection in the Next-Gen Network, Improving NTP Installed Base Time Accuracy
  • When: Tuesday, June 14, 1:10 and 4:40 p.m.
  • Where: Doubletree Hilton, San Jose, California, USA

Mobile operators around the world are deploying new synchronization networks based on GNSS, Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and Sync-E for next-generation mobile networks. The stringent phase synchronization specification requires careful planning of the synchronization network, including strategies for redundancy, holdover and protection. In his first session at 1:10 p.m., Nir Laufer will discuss different outage scenarios and propose protection and redundancy solutions for precise frequency and phase delivery.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used today in various applications where time accuracy in milliseconds is sufficient. This level of synchronization will not suffice for many new applications with regulations that require sub-millisecond accuracy. In this 4:40 p.m.  session, Nir will explain how to combine PTP and NTP to help meet the more stringent accuracy requirements without replacing existing NTP clients.