Claude Besse to present innovation in optical cesium technology at ITSF
Virtual session will discuss the benefits of industry’s first ePRC+ optical cesium clock solution
- Speaker: Claude Besse, manager, product line management, Oscilloquartz, ADVA
- Topic: New optical cesium
- When: Wednesday, November 4, 4:25 p.m. GMT
- Where: The International Timing and Sync Forum (ITSF) Global Conference on Timing and Synchronization Across Networks. Register for the virtual event at:
A new breed of atomic clock has emerged to combat the growing threat to GNSS-based timing. New optical cesium technology can better protect synchronization networks from costly and dangerous interruptions to satellite signals. It delivers frequency stability that outperforms current ITU-T ePRC G.811.1 standards, provides the most robust backup available, and meets the stringent performance demands needed for mobile networks transitioning to 5G.
In this session, Clause Besse will explain how optical cesium offers the industry a new level of accuracy. He will discuss how this ePRC+ technology’s outstanding frequency stability enables the deployment of ePRTC solutions that outperform even the most stringent recommendations, as well as how optical cesium offers significantly longer lifetime than existing cesium clocks. Claude will be joined by Nir Laufer, Oscilloquartz’s senior director of PLM, for the post-presentation Q&A.
Register for the online event beginning November 3.