Luis Gonzalez talks robust timing for broadcast solutions at VidTrans22
Presentation to lay out scale of threats to GNSS-based timing and how PTP systems can be made more efficient and resilient
- Speaker: Luis Gonzalez, business development manager, Oscilloquartz, ADVA
- Topics: Best practices in securing critical timing for media broadcast timing services against cyber threats
- When: Tuesday, June 14, 4 p.m. PT
- Where: VidTrans22 Annual Conference & Exposition, Marina del Rey Marriott, Marina del Rey, California, USA:
Professional broadcasting depends on precise timing to process video streams accurately and efficiently. A combination of satellite and network-delivered timing is frequently applied to meet today’s accuracy requirements, but with threats to GNSS multiplying, timing delivery mechanisms need to be both intelligent and robust.
In this session, Luis Gonzalez will explain how the broadcasting industry can mitigate the risks posed by cyberattacks on GNSS. He will consider solutions such as cesium atomic clocks and how accurate, long-term holdover can be achieved by using oscillators together with an intelligent, fault-tolerant synchronization management system. Register now for the in-person or virtual event beginning June 14.